Friday 30 November 2012


Due to problems with lots of locations and actors we initially chose, as well as the amount of time put into the script and planning, we haven't been left with much time for filming. The group has agreed it would be better to do a 2/3 minute trailer instead of a 5 minute intro. We are still going to stick to the script and make the direction we want the film to go in (if we were to make it) clear.

Arrival Scenes

Today me and my group planned the arrival of 3 of the main characters to the drug meeting, Eddy Goodwin, Pete Crowley and Hao Zheng. Later on in the day we filmed the shots and I edited them at home using Movie Maker, this is the outcome.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Script for Chasing the Dragon

Here is an example of some of the script. We spent a lot of time working on this and are proud of it. In total the script came to be 8 pages long. A lot of our initial ideas are contained in this script and you'll notice differences and similarities in our end product.

Script for Chasing the Dragon
Dimly lit room.
Fade in, slow panning medium profile shot of main character putting on his tie.
4-5 seconds, 1-2 sentences

NATHAN (MONOLOGUE)Today is a significant day concerning my current position. I need to -

Sharp, quick cut, long shot, sitting at his kitchen table slurping coffee, background of his kitchen visible.
2 seconds, character looks vacant.
Small monologue, one sentence

NATHAN (MONOLOGUE)- Stay focused on the task at hand.

Quick cut, medium shot, inside the house, top of the door to mid waist of character closing the door, 3 seconds. NATHAN (MONOLOGUE)Appear calm and collected

Outside the house, door shuts, medium close up, Nathan puts on sunglasses. SFX: wind/metal sound.NATHAN (MONOLOGUE)I only have one priority.

Tracking shot, chest up of Nathan walking down a street. He’s looking straight forward, while camera follows him on a tripod inside a car. Facial expression does not change, 6-7 seconds

NATHAN (MONOLOGUE)The need to deliver has intensified recently and I can’t let anyone see me cracking under pressure.

Establishing shot, from the right, low angle of garage, shot is frozen. 1 second.
Clean cut, straight on, long shot, low angle, about 10-15 metres away, frozen shot, see character enter the shot from the left/right, and enter garage.

Inside the restaurant, straight on, medium shot, walks past camera.
3-4 seconds

From a distance, main character sitting down, looking thoughtful. 8 seconds

NATHAN(MONOLOGUE)But that’s what this is all about. Hiding….your fears. Anxieties. Whether it’s by a fake persona. Getting drunk.

Camera zoomed in on his face, profile shot, focuses on his sunglasses. Pouring himself a glass of wine.
NATHAN (MONOLOGUE)Taking drugs…..or deceiving people into buying them from you…..

First gangster arrives. Enzo Costa. Two female escorts approach him to take his coat and bag.
ENZO COSTA Just the coat. Thank you.

Nathan stands to greet him. Drink still in hand.
ENZO COSTANathan! My man! Early as usual I see

Freeze frame.
Enzo “The Cobra” Costa
RANK: “Vanguard” Operations Officer
Hao Zheng’s Right Hand Man.
(For monologue)

NATHAN (MONO)Enzo Costa is the least incompetent of the group of morons I’m forced to work with.

Camera, profile shot of Nathan, feigning a cheerful smile. Extremely slowly closing in on his face.

Enzo shares similar taste with me. We even share the same taste suit, although mine looks slightly better.

NATHAN (Smiling) You know me Enzo

How’s things been going in Enfield? (gesture with hand, seeming curious) Word on the street is you’ve got that place locked down?

NATHANWhile (emphasis on while) maintaining my distance from those intoxicated imbeciles.

ENZOSo you’ve found a new supplier? Who is he?

(places drink on table, turns to face Enzo) New guy. MUCH more reliable than Derek

ENZOMy dead Nana would be more reliable than Derek, God rest her soul
My span of control has increased now that Derek’s gone, distribution has-

Voices heard in background. Pete Crowley arrives. Nathan’s main rival. Nathan hates him the most. Pete is snarky and arrogant. Pete is at the entrance with the 2 escorts and bouncer.
Bag and coat sir?

Thank you

The other escort goes to reach for Pete’s bag, in which she is harshly rebuffed
THAT. Will…be enough….thank you.

Pete makes his way to Nathan and Enzo.

NATHAN AND ENZOAfternoon, Pete

PETENice and early I see. Wonderful

Pete “The Butcher” Crowley
RANK: “Red Pole” Enforcer.
Pete has killed 7 rival dealers within a 9 month period through decapitation. Pete is notoriously known in the south east region.
Camera zooms in on Pete’s half snarl
NATHAN (MONO)I have grown to hate Pete more than anyone I have ever known.

Camera shows Nathan’s emotionless face
Pete is a fool, an inbred cretin with a, a blood lust, a-a nincompoop, his idiocy-

PETEDay dreaming again Nathan? Off in your fantasy world again I suppose?

Nathan is taken aback

Eddie Goodman arrives. Small, black and eccentric gangster. Nathan has little opinion of him.


Freeze frame
Eddie “The Clown” Goodman
RANK: “White Paper Fan” Administrator
Eddie has numerous high profile contacts in and around London.

2 females escorts approach Eddie to take his bag and coat
EDDIEWhy thank you ladies! Look at dat ass, MM! Fellas, good to see ya!

NATHANAfternoon, Goodman

ENZOEddie! Great to see you. You’re looking well

EDDIE“Well” is my great aunt after she’s taken her medication. I’m fantabulous. You seen that new place down in..

Sound fades out. Slowly pans in on Eddie engaging in conversation.
NATHAN (MONO)Eddie Goodman is a liability to our operations. He’s loud, idiotic and despairingly careless.

Camera zooms in on Nathan looking expressionless.

NATHAN (MONO)Eddie is not just stupid. He’s taken the art of stupidity and mastered it. Eddie couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel…



I said how’s things been with you?

Oh. Great. Great.

Talking. Talk dies down. The footsteps slowly grow louder and the door opens. An Asian woman walks in confidently and calmly. She nods at the bouncers and they nod back. She takes a seat at the foot of the table. Everyone stares.

Loud footsteps. The arrival of Hao Zheng. Tracking shot behind Hao Zheng, with everyone at the table in the background. Everyone stands up out of respect. Cuts to everyone standing up from a separate angle. Walks in slowly without talking and sits down. Hao Zheng raises his hand and nods, and everyone sits down. He pulls up a seat next to the Asian woman (translator).

Freeze frame
Hao Zheng
RANK: “Dragon Head” Leader
Hao Zheng is leader of the gang and the most successful drug lord in Europe.

Hao Zheng talks to the translator in Chinese.
TRANSLATORHao Zheng is pleased to see all of you here.

Enthusiastic chatter (“we’re pleased to see you too” “it’s great to be here” etc.)

Hao Zheng mumbles to the translator.

Hao Zheng’s running short on time, so let’s make this quick. You’re due to present a sample of your product.

Gangsters begin to rummage through their bags. Nathan is the first to present his product.
NATHANThis is MY product.

People chattering, gasping. “Ooh very nice” “Look at that!” etc.

NATHANThat’s cooked at 190 degrees. 89% pure, straight from Columbia. What do you think?

Hao Zheng talks to translator.


Nathan grins widely, smug.
EDDIE GThat’s cute Cole. But it ain’t got nothin’ on mah product, bitch.
Eddie puts down his product. Slightly bigger than Nathan’s. Everyone looks closer.

EDDIE GDat shi’ cooked at 193 degrees! 94% pure straight from Cuba! Check it.

Excited chatter. Eddie looks very smug and cocky. Hao Zheng picks up the product, raises eyebrow and nods his head.

Camera slowly zooms in on Nathan’s face. Tense music.

NATHAN (MONO)How the hell did the clown find such a high quality product, at such short notice? I wonder how much oral* he had to perform to get that.

*change to favours if this isn’t cool

NATHANV-very nice.
Nathan regains his composure.
Pete begins to clap loudly and slowly, almost sarcastically. Smirking.

PETENice product Eddie. Mine’s from Cuba too, although mine’s slightly different.

Everyone looks at Pete.
Focuses on Nathan and Eddie’s products. Pete puts down a much larger product, which overshadows the others.

PETEThat’s 99.4% pure. Cooked at 200 degrees. This is extracted straight from Andes Mountains in Venezuela. This sells at £120k per kilo.

Profile shot of Nathan slowly taking off his sunglasses, hands shaking.
Whistles. Excited chatter. Hao Zheng looks serious and grabs the product. Slits it open with large knife and places some cocaine on the knife. Close up of Hao Zheng’s face. Slowly lifts knife with cocaine to his nose. Snorts slowly while moving his nose across the knife. Silence for a few seconds. Hao Zheng opens eyes widely. He grins and mutters something in Chinese.
TRANSLATORHao Zheng says the product is excellent.

非常感謝。Fēicháng gǎnxiè.

HAO ZHENG (facing Nathan)
Mr Cole (smile) What do you think of your partner’s work?


HAO ZHENGGood? These products are of a much superior quality to yours. No further comment?

NATHAN(Bitter smile) No

HAO ZHENGNo? There’s an old Chinese proverb Nathan


HAO ZHENGJealousy is thin because it bites but never eats

(shouting) The audacity. Of this. This…overgrown gerbil. To humiliate ME. After I’ve been loyal to him. All this time. ME. I. Almost single handedly revived this whole business. (regaining composure) You know what….

Friday 16 November 2012

Chasing the Dragon, first scene

The first scene of our intro is now finished, and the entire script is nearing completion. For the first scene we wrote the script, then drew the storyboard, and finally filmed it, as seen below. The first scene can be viewed here:  (although it may be altered and the monologue needs to be dubbed in).