Wednesday 24 October 2012

New Idea (Crime Film)

I've decided to do a different genre of film than horror. I changed my mind because I feel horror is cliché and is an overdone genre post 2007 (roughly), especially the found footage type (Apollo 18, Paranormal Activity, The Last Exorcism etc.) which is what I was planning on doing. I also felt my idea revolved mostly around the location, for example I decided to do a horror film because of the location and began to write my script around the location. Whilst this could be seen as a good thing, I felt it was uninspired and dull. I would also be working alone on this project, doing all the script, angles and editing by myself and felt the work load would become overwhelming. 

Other genres I have considered are action and crime because these genres interest me and I feel like there is a lot of freedom. I went against action because it is very difficult to do considering school equipment and action tends to rely heavily on explosions and violence, I didn't want to cheapen my film by constantly having badly edited in effects. I also wanted my film to be dialogue dependent and psychological, which I felt was easier to achieve through a crime film. 

I share this idea of doing a crime film with the new member of my group, and we are in agreement in the direction we want to take our project. We are doing a film opening, and have begun to draw some inspiration from films such as American Psycho, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and Inglorious Basterds. The premise of the film intro is a paranoid schizophrenic man goes to a gang meeting to deliver his drugs, under performs as per usual and is let go by his boss.

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