Thursday 2 May 2013

Film Trailer Evaluation

Here is my finished evaluation that was made on prezi:

I hope you enjoy reading it!

Evaluation Questions

Evaluation Questions

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Poster Ideas

The first poster idea
When planning out my poster I had two main ideas in mind. One of the ideas, my intial one, was fairly obvious with a title at the top and featuring the main character posing as the image. There wasn't going to be a background and the audience's attention was intended to be directly aimed at the main character. I would have quotes and various reviews surrounding the poster as there would be a lot of free space. The character would be wearing his sunglasses and clutching a gun. I was using genre conventions so that people would know it was a crime film.
My second idea was me trying to be a bit different. Instead of focusing on the main character which seemed like the obvious choice, I decided to focus on Hao Zheng. He doesn't appear all that much in the trailer meaning he is somewhat mysterious, but it is made clear that he is the enemy. Without him the gang wouldn't exist and there wouldn't be a plot for the film, so when looked at this way he is the most important character. The title in itself "Chasing the Dragon" is a reference to Hao Zheng and Nathan wanting to kill him. I had some good shots of the Hong Kong skyline that Howard had filmed for his abandoned project and I thought they would make a good background for the poster.

Second poster idea
The Hong Kong skyline

In the end I decided on the second poster as I thought it would be more interesting and less typical. I took elements of the first poster into account and decided to have quotes and reviews around the poster as well.

Extras for Posters

Some things had to be borrow from the internet to make my poster look professional. These are things such as company logos. Here are the ones I used on my poster:

Here is the Weinstein Company logo which I got from!06-10-01-The-Weinstein-Company-and-Cherry-Lane-M.aspx via google images.

 This is the Miramax Films logo which I got from via google images.

And lastly the Trigger Street productions logo which I got from via google images.

Film poster analysis

Django-Unchained-PosterI decided to analyse a professional film poster to compare it with my own. The poster I chose to look at is for Django Unchained, a spaghetti Western dealing with the problems of the slave trade. The film is by Quentin Tarantino who tends to make violent films which is what we intended to do. The title is at the bottom underneath the characters which is what I have done with my poster. The names of the actors are above the title and there is a tagline at the top which I have done with my film as well.

However, there are some major differences between the two posters. The two main good characters are featured on the poster of Django with the bad character on the left. In my poster only the villain is featured on the poster. In the background of my poster there is a Hong Kong skyline, where as there is no background on the Django poster. Django deals with the problems of the slave trade, whereas my film is largely focused on a single person rather than a problem. This person is Hao Zheng who is featured on the poster, and I think this also explains why there are a few characters featured on the Django poster. Django wouldn't feature a background on the poster as the characters and the problem of slavery and the main features of the film, so the poster focuses on the characters with Leonardo DiCaprio's character representing the problem of slavery.

Friday 22 March 2013


Final Trailer

This is the completed trailer for Chasing the Dragon, made by my group consisting of me, Haydn, Abdul and Howard. I think it turned out pretty well.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Magazine Cover

A2 film poster
For the second part of the task, we were required to create the front cover for a magazine featuring our film.
Total Film magazine

Here is the magazine cover. The font is plain and white, with the title "Big Screen" being embellished. Against the dark background I think the font is quite eye catching. I got a few ideas from an issue of Total Film magazine, and used a reel of screenshots from our film at the bottom like they did in their issue. I wasn't allowed to use different films as they weren't made by me, so I just used frames from our trailer.  Along the side I used the titles of films that were coming out soon, and in a bubble I included "Special interview the cast of The Hobbit". I used a picture of Matt posing with his gun as the main picture, and a transparent picture of Abdul in the background. 
AS Music magazine

The house style is similar to that of my AS work in which I made a music magazine. You can similarities in layout of the text and the frequent use of red, but ultimately I feel you can see the progression that has been made from AS to A2. The AS work is more simple, it is just a picture with words edited on the front, but in my A2 work I feel I made better use of photoshop and the tools it offers. The logo for the featured band "The Currawongs" was just a bird that I filled in black on Photoshop, whereas in my A2 work the logo for "Chasing the Dragon" is hand drawn and edited on Photoshop.
The Chasing the Dragon logo